From workaholic to world traveler

The satirical musings of a sociopath

Post #3: Travel Dilemma

After having worked nearly every day for 12 years, I have allocated the entirety of Q1 of ’19 to travel. I’m prepared to drop a lot of cash and I want to visit as many countries as I am able.

The problem is that I don’t have any friends with the time and resources to join me on the extensive travel that I planned on doing, so I went in search of a tour group meeting the following criterion (1) caters to young professionals – I didn’t want to travel with the lovely older ladies that I’d played tennis against (2) offers extensive tours of Europe and (3) ones that I can stay in my own hotel room- no hostels or share situations.

The one that I decided on was a tour called “Discover Winter”, a 20 day tour covering 10 European countries (see After signing up, I found out that my group is almost exclusively from Australia, most of which are in their early 20’s. It’s not exactly the demographic that I typically associate with, but I’m happy to expand my horizons and enjoy myself.

At the very least, it will give me some insight on how I should book my Asia travels. Special thanks to Ryan K for his valuable input on Asian travel.

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