From workaholic to world traveler

The satirical musings of a sociopath

Post #2: ‘Funemployment’

As of the beginning of January, I have been gainfully funemployed. My flight to Paris wasn’t until January 10th, so other than a quick trip to Raleigh for a final wine ‘n dine with a client (really fun), I got to experience what it’s like to be home during the day without any particular objectives.

For the first business day of the year, I decided that I wanted to get some exercise, so I booked a tennis exhibition at my club in Manhattan. These sessions tend to attract some good competition, but at 11am on a Tuesday, it only attracted 3 (exceedingly pleasant) geriatric women. The club refunded me the court fee – I didn’t even have to ask. For the rest of the week, I attempted to be social and went out a bunch.

My general takeaway from this week of funemployment is that like a German Shepherd, I think that I’m meant to be productive. It is simply a waste of my time and abilities to be unproductive….even if I can financially afford to be. At some point in the future when I no longer need to make money, I will think about this week and continue to work like a good German Shepherd.


1 comment on “Post #2: ‘Funemployment’

  1. I hear ya buddy. I haven’t felt the same ever since I left the Colts. Sometimes I do Nationwide Commercials just to help kill the time. At least I’m doing better than my kid brother is – ha ha. You should come out to the ranch sometime and we can drink a few Bud Lights and order Papa John’s pizza, and I’ll tell you how to enrich your life with endorsements and pizzeria franchising.

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