From workaholic to world traveler

The satirical musings of a sociopath

Post #22: The Sequel

It’s certainly been a while since my last blog post, and a lot has happened in the 2 years since. I established and built up a successful small business, visited maybe 10 more countries, and rode out a pandemic in the Dominican Republic. I even dropped 70lbs, so future posts may seem a little bit less glutinous from a culinary perspective.

Some highlight pics from the last 2 years to catch you up.

The Times Square Artist that I commissioned to paint our company logo.
Me and my interns at our office’s awesome clubhouse. You’ll see how much weight I dropped if you scroll down.
Epstein ‘killed himself’
The pandemic happened
Looter and rioters destroyed Manhattan
I retreated to the Dominican Republic for a few months
My Tinder date definitely wasn’t 31 as she claimed, but she took an awesome pic while drinking wine on the beach
My favorite restaurant in the DR that would sneak us in under the gate against COVID regulations.
Took 2nd place in a tennis tournament. Lost to a 6’5 former pro from Italy. Boo.
Me showing off.
The ‘Cute Neighbor’ sent me a really nice compliment, so I had it (henna) tattooed on my arm. Her reaction was priceless!
Had a blowout going-away party, complete with chef, bartender and fire dancers…only to return a few weeks later.

Now that Europe is opening up, I am about to embark on another trip, and based on extreme demand, I’ve decided to add some new posts. I feel like that morbidly obese weirdo that writes Game of Thrones, with fans constantly pressing him for new content. Anyway, I’ll be doing this trip solo, but I have friends and contacts in many of the countries that I intend on visiting. The last time I did this I was ‘funemployed’, but this time I will have to balance work/play and I’ll need to be available and sober until 1am local time on working days due to the time difference.

I’ll be flying to Madrid and landing on the morning of July 4th. I am a planner by nature and usually have a full itinerary booked in advance, but for this trip I’m doing the polar opposite to allow for maximum flexibility. Preliminarily, I’d like to visit Madrid, Paris, Riga, Budapest, Dubrovnik and Istanbul over a 4-5 week trip. Then again, I’m open to suggestion – for example, a client recommended that I add Lisboa to my trip and I’m intrigued.

**If you are a client and you stumbled on my blog, this is a disclaimer that this blog is intended for my personal friends, and I hope that my generally polarizing opinions and observations don’t affect our relationship. Having recently re-read my posts from 2 years ago, I realize that what was once mildly offensive in 2019 is now extremely offensive in 2021. And I didn’t miss the irony of having ripped on the Japanese for their mask wearing. Pretty please stop reading if you are the type to be easily offended, because you will almost certainly come across something that you disagree with; like my opinions on Venice. You know who you are MS (wink).

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