From workaholic to world traveler

The satirical musings of a sociopath

Post #4: Paris

The first leg of my trip is on most people’s bucket list, Paris.

For those of you that know me, you know that I love opulent meals. Considering that my tour mates are college-aged Aussies, I figured that I wouldn’t have many chances to experience Michelin starred restaurants. Upon landing at Charles de Gaulle, I had 5 free hours before meeting up with my group, so I jumped at the opportunity. Within an hour, I was at such a restaurant and had a tremendous meal that included champagne, wine, pumpkin soup, sweet breads and a napoleon with a cappuccino for desert. Not bad for 160 Euros – off to a good start.

Stuffed, I hopped in an Uber and headed to the hotel that the tour group had booked for me. Not to seem braggadocios, but I typically stay at very nice hotels- particularly when I travel to India for business (thanks Rafi). I’d been forewarned that hotels in Europe are smaller and less luxurious than hotels that I’m used to, but I was still pretty shocked when I saw where I was staying. The hallways were unlit, the bed looked like one of those beds in a prison movie and the shower was so small that I couldn’t rotate without accidentally changing the water temperature. Instead of bitching, I decided to allow myself to be amused by my lodgings rather than being annoyed – seemed like the more prudent approach.

In my time in Paris, I did all of the touristy things, including but not limited to the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Champs-Elysées…etc. Call me crazy, but I wasn’t all that impressed with the Mona Lisa. I recognize that it may be the most valuable piece of art in the world, but if not for its fame, I don’t think that she’d make it on the wall of my apartment. Conversely, some people spend years puzzled by her ambiguous smile and her eyes that seem to follow you…I’m told that someone even committed suicide for her. I don’t get it.

My favorite part of Paris was Marais. I went to an awesome open-air market and enjoyed some delicious cheese, wine, bread, the best strawberries ever…etc. I also enjoyed a burlesque show and the seedy neighborhood that surrounded it.

All in, Paris was a nice place to visit. Couldn’t live there though.

2 comments on “Post #4: Paris

    1. Thanks! The bad hotels have been legendary, but there is a silver lining to them. Had I had been staying at nice hotels, I may be tempted to hang out in the hotel. Conversely, being that the hotel is vomit inducing, you stay out more and experience more.

      Note that while I was ripping on the hotels in Paris and the Swiss Alps, the tour has picked up their ‘hotel game’ and we’ve been staying at reasonable places since.

      Thanks for the offer! I’ll probably take you up on it for Amsterdam at the end of the month.

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