From workaholic to world traveler

The satirical musings of a sociopath

Post #9: Verona

Before I start with Venice, I’m going to write a quick blurb about Verona, because we stopped there for a bit on the way from Rome->Venice.

Verona’s primary claim to fame is that it was the inspiration for Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet. In an effort to cash in on tourism, the locals erected a monument to the historic ‘balcony’ scene in the play. The funny thing about this is that it’s considered to be lucky to fondle Juliet’s right breast (not the evil left one). Where I’m from, in the age of #metoo, we’d probably frown on millions of tourists fondling the statue of a 16 year year old girl without consent, but what the hell, I’ll give it a whirl. After all, ‘when coming from Rome’…..That’s the phrase, right?

Prior to posting pictures of me personally fondling this statue, I will post a photo of an unthreatening Asian tourist doing the same, to establish that this is a tradition; not just me being a weirdo creep.

Special thanks to Felicia for taking and sharing this incriminating pic of me. I hope that I don’t get put on a sex offender registry.

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