From workaholic to world traveler

The satirical musings of a sociopath

Post #1: Golden Handcuffs

I just left a great job at a company that I helped to build from the ground up. My departure leaves behind a six-figure salary, a great staff and an established client base. I actually enjoyed my job too.

Considering that I don’t even have an undergrad degree, risk-averse folks may disagree with my decision because honestly, it’s a pretty cushy gig all things considered. That said, after 12 years of service and the savings that come from living beneath my means, I’ve decided to venture out on my own and start my own shop. Time will tell if my decision was sound.

I’ve been working for this company since I was 21 and since the day that I started in 2007, I never took more than a week off for vacation. In sharp contrast, I’ve decided to take 3 months off to travel the world. I’m in a fortunate position to have the ability to do this and there may not be any other time in life to do this sort of thing.

More updates to come.


10 comments on “Post #1: Golden Handcuffs

  1. Such thrilling prose and poetic perception of the work force of the new millennium. I look forward to more posts of such superior quality in the future. Never has a magnum opus of such fervor been put to print before. Bravi, bravi, bravisimo, Dr. Schon.

  2. Hi Brad, I checked your blog, because Rob jubilantly announces every time he sees a new posting. I’ll be in Finland and Czech Republic next week. Lemme know if your tour intersects!

    1. I’m glad that you’re checking my site – I hope that the writing isn’t too shitty for an English major.

      Your trip sounds fun, but I’ve never been to those countries, and my current trip is of Western Europe. I’m about to leave Venice and I’m still heading to Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany and the Netherlands.

      That said, I don’t have any great tips for those places. As somebody that covered for you while you were on vacation, my only note for you would be to put your backup in a good position to be successful in your absence. Don’t leave any land mines.

      FYI- I’m liking your tip about getting a Chinese visa in Hong Kong. I will likely do that. Thanks!

      1. My god this blog is fucking confusing. It took me forever to find my thread; Howard said you replied to my comment and ate a bear. Am I the only one using my real name? I was in Czech Republic last week. I preferred Scandanavia for this time of year though. I saw the Northern Lights – nanananana! No land mines. I trained well and my training took ZERO pages of paper; not cuz I wanted to do it my way, but simply cuz no one will listen to me when I tell them I need a printer.

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